Sunday, August 3, 2008

बाँके प्रभु जी

Nitya Leela pravishta Shri Bhakti Vedanta Vaman Goswami Maharaj ji; who was disciple of the founder of Shri Gaudiya Vedanta Smiti, Shri Bhakti Pragyan Keshav Goswami Maharaj ji . Shri Banke Bihari Bharamchari ji disciple of Shri Bhakti Vedanta Vaman Goswami Maharaj ji had establish Shri Gaudiya Sankirtan Bhawan in 1987., which was inagurated by Gurupadpadam Bhakti Vedanta vaman Goswami Maharaj ji, Bhakti Vedanta Narayan Maharaj ji, Bhakti Vedanta Trivikram Maharaj ji and many Gaudiya Vaishnava's. Because of their Motivation and Aspiration Shri Banke Bihari ji took Oath to spread the pure waves of Bhakti of Shri Chaitnya Maha Prabhu to each and every Human being of Hindu Societies. He edited Golok Varta, Ekadshi Mahatmya, Shri Gor Brij Madhuri Bhajan etc. Few years ago he wrote “DECLINATION OF MODERN SOCITIES AND IMPORTANCE OF SANATAN RELIGION”. in which he has compared Modern Science to Ancient Sages Science. This book was appreciated by the students and Scientists of IIT Kharagpur. They wanted to know more about the topic so they organised the Program of Prabhu Ji (Shri Banke Bihari Ji) in IIT Kharagpur. In which Prabhu Ji has explained the various facts and proof, after listening to Prabhu ji's lecture they accepted that the Modern Science is the evil face of Ancient Sages Science. What we are doing today is just running and discovering the ways how we can earn money and fame in a short span of life but human beings can make their lives by following the methods of Shri Mad Bhagwat Gita. Modern Sceince is finding the way to ruin the human being.

For Pervading Shri Krishna Bhakti he also established Shri Gaur Brij Madhuri Trust in Kolkata in 2004. Trust's motive is to spread the religion in societies and change the lifestyles of human being. They also organise Shri Harinam Sankirtan and Satsang in each and every house. Trust also help those who encourages the religion. The Founder of "Shri Gaur Brij Madhuri Smiti" Shri Banke Bihari Brahamchari Ji's (Prabhu Ji) main motive is spread and help people who are keen to know about Shri Hari, Guru's, Vaishnava's and want to know the real meaning of the Epics. You can get in touch with our Organisation and Solve your Problems and make life meaningful.

Mathura (Ashram) Timing of Satsang :- 4:00 PM -7:00 PM